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'Smilies' are small graphical images that can be used to convey an emotion or feeling. If you have used email or internet chat, you are likely familiar with the smilie concept. Certain standard strings are automatically converted into smilies. Try twisting your head on one side if you do not 'get' smilies; using a bit of imagination should reveal a face of some description.

If you want to disable smilies in a post that you make, you can select the 'Disable Smilies' option when posting. This is particularly useful if you are posting program code and you do not want ;) converted to a smilie face!

Generic Smilies
What to Type Resulting Graphic Meaning
:v5: vui5 vui5
:v17: vui17 vui17
:v29: vui29 vui29
:v4: vui4 vui4
:drool: drool drool
:i am bored: i am bored i am bored
:v16: vui16 vui16
:nose pick: nose pick nose pick
:whip: whip whip
:v28: vui28 vui28
:khoccuoi1: khoccuoi khoccuoi
:v3: vui3 vui3
:agree: agree agree
:v14: vui14 vui14
:vui1: vui1 vui1
:v26: vui26 vui26
:laugh: laugh laugh
:Banned: Banned Banned
:ignore: ignore ignore
:superman: superman superman
:dzui2: dzui2 dzui2
:bye bye: bye bye bye bye
:bird pooping: bird pooping bird pooping
:v2: vu2 vu2
:dance: dance dance
:v25: vui25 vui25
:votayne: votay votay
:dacinggirls: dacinggirls dacinggirls
:teu: teu teu
:biker1: biker1 biker1
:v36: vui36 vui36
:v13: vui13 vui13
:see no evil: see no evil see no evil
:biker: biker biker
:v24: vui24 vui24
:Flirty: Flirty Flirty
:welcome2: welcome2 welcome2
:thx: thx thx
:eyepoke: eyepoke eyepoke
:no no: no no no no
:v35: vui35 vui35
:v12: vui12 vui12
:v23: vui23 vui23
:dzui10: dzui10 dzui10
:woohoo2: woohoo2 woohoo2
:khuckhich: cuoi2 cuoi2
:monk: monk monk
:watching you: watching you watching you
:hun: hun hun
:ngap: ngap ngap
:v34: vui34 vui34
:v11: vui11 vui11
:crying: crying crying
:v22: vui22 vui22
:daonong: daulong daulong
:sleeping1: sleeping1 sleeping1
:swear: swear swear
:v33: vui33 vui33
:v10: vui10 vui10
:vui102: vui2 vui2
:tongue out 1: tongue out 1 tongue out 1
:nail: nail nail
:v21: vui21 vui21
:happybirthday: happybirthday happybirthday
:asskicking: asskicking asskicking
:v32: vui32 vui32
:v9: vui9 vui9
:golf: golf golf
:tongue out: tongue out tongue out
:v20: vui20 vui20
:laughing: laughing laughing
:fighting: fighting fighting
:v31: vui31 vui31
:v7: vu7 vu7
:gun: gun gun
:v18: vui18 vui18
:nightmare: nightmare nightmare
:swear 2: swear 2 swear 2
:v30: vui30 vui30
:weocam: welcome welcome
:potay: botay botay
:dancing: dancing dancing
:vo2tay: vo2tay vo2tay
:tanghoa: tang hoa tang hoa
:welcome44: welcome44 welcome44
:ngoan: ngoan ngoan
:bananasplit: bananasplit bananasplit
:chay: dzot dzot
:honkieukhi: kisssss kisssss
:vai: lay lay
:cuoi1: cuoi cuoi
:yess: yess yess
:BD: Bd Bd
:thua: cotrang cotrang
:lacdit: lacdit lacdit
:chay2: chay2 chay2
:thinking: thinking thinking
:thx2: thx2 thx2
:battay: shakehand shakehand
:dan: dan dan
:ban: ban ban
:nanni: nanni nanni
:can: xedap xedap
:2kute: 2kute 2kute
:whisper: noinho noinho
:wow: wow wow
:duoidi: duoidi duoidi
:dan2: dan2 dan2
:ilu: ilu ilu
:chucmung: congrat congrat
:leluoi1: leluoi1 leluoi1
:cook: cook cook
:read: read read
:happy: happy happy
:doc: doc doc
:hi: hi hi
:sadness: sadness sadness
:hoa: hoa hoa
:teghe1: teghe1 teghe1
:help: help help
:inlove: inlove inlove
:gotowork: gotowork gotowork
:grouplaugh: grouplaugh grouplaugh
:luvv: luvv luvv
:teu1: tue1 tue1
:hellohandsome: hellohandsome hellohandsome
:thoidime: thoidime thoidime
:dibo: dibo dibo
:xixxon: xixxon xixxon
:weefly: fly fly
:chaimaocam: chaymaucam chaymaucam
:xixonn: xixonn xixonn
:silly: silly silly
:so: so so
:cafe: cafe cafe
:8: 8 8
:laughing15: laughing15 laughing15
:dapnhau1: dapnhau dapnhau
:tanghoa2: tang hoa de thuong tang hoa de thuong
:choctuclen: choctuclen choctuclen
:scream: scream scream
:D: D D
:tease2: tease2 tease2
:coaikhong: coaikhong coaikhong
:seeya: seeya seeya
:youtheman: youtheman youtheman
:hiding2: hiding2 hiding2
:thinking1: thinking1 thinking1
:easterbasket: easterbasket easterbasket
:danhkiem: danhkiem danhkiem
:hammerhead1: hammerhead1 hammerhead1
:please1: plz plz
:vui109: cuoi108 cuoi108
:dzui8: dzui8 dzui8
:dzui3: dzui3 dzui3
:cry1: cry1 cry1
:eeeek: eeeek eeeek
:madtie: mad tie mad tie
:heeheehee: heeheehee heeheehee
:ImNewHere: ImNewHere ImNewHere
:Iloveyou: Iloveyou Iloveyou
:clangrats: clangrats clangrats
:p: p p
:oops: oops oops
:chochut: cho cho
:singhi: singhi singhi
:che: che che
:hello: hello hello
:spam: spam spam
:dzui9: dzui9 dzui9
:ali: ali ali
:chucm: chuc chuc
:ngamnghi: suy gam suy gam
:dzui7: dzui7 dzui7
:ykien: ykien ykien
butt kick butt kick butt kick
:slaping: slaping slaping
:cung: cunglay cunglay
:goodone: goodone goodone
:vui104: vuinua vuinua
:helpp: helpp helpp
:nhatma: nhacma nhacma
:suynghi1: suy nghi suy nghi
:good: good good
:nn: nn nn
:musician: musician musician
:banghead2: banghead2 banghead2
:bquite: bquite bquite
:yawn: yawn yawn
:cheerleader2: cheerleader2 cheerleader2
:tesao: tesao tesao
:dzot: dzot dzot
:dzui4: dzui4 dzui4
:chitaycuoi: chitaycuoi chitaycuoi
:vui101: vuivui vuivui
:fun1: fun fun
:chaynuocmui: chay mui chay mui
:xinchao: xin chao xin chao
:verymad: very mad very mad
:dzui6: dzui6 dzui6
:dzui5: dzui5 dzui5
:thotmat: thotmat thotmat
:giamachanh: giamachanh giamachanh
:vui106: vui106 vui106
:danhdau: danhdau danhdau
:chocuoI: choctiep choctiep
:fundud: fundud fundud
:quanhumong: quanhumong quanhumong
:loveme: loveme loveme
:byebye: byebye byebye
:ngapp: ngapp ngapp
:santa: santa santa
:jo: hiui hiui
:sing: sing sing
:choc: choc choc
:beep: roadrunner roadrunner
:khoc: khoc khoc
:watsup: what's up what's up
:hehe: hehe hehe
:easteregg: easteregg easteregg
:bla: bla bla
:tapta: tapta tapta
:smurf: smurf smurf
:chickendance: fui fui
:happytime: happytime happytime
:giantoelua: gian toe lua gian toe lua
:buc: 2 2
:choccuo: choc cuoi choc cuoi
:cuoinherang: cuoinherang cuoinherang
:happyeaster: happyeaster happyeaster
:que: que que
:no: nonono nonono
:nghenhac: nghenhac nghenhac
:jjj: hil hil
:buttoc: buttoc buttoc
:lightbud: lightbud lightbud
:iambored: iambored iambored
:huunn: huunn huunn
:newyear: newyear newyear
:jj: hj hj
:valentine: valentine valentine
:cold: cold cold
:kissing1: kissing1 kissing1
:bellydance: bellydance bellydance
:secreett: secreett secreett
:danhdit: danhdit danhdit
:heysexy: heysexy heysexy
:idid: idid idid
:chay1: chay1 chay1
:cuoino: cuoino cuoino
:leluoi3: leluoi3 leluoi3
:thayghet: thayghet thayghet
:nhaovo: nhaovo nhaovo
:dapnhau: dapnhau dapnhau
:dancing1: dancing1 dancing1
:goodmorning: goodmorning goodmorning
:cuoivuivui: cuoivuivui cuoivuivui
:hubacon: hubacon hubacon
:BigBearHug: BigBearHug BigBearHug
:iamsorry: iamsorry iamsorry
:bitchitlin: bitchitlin bitchitlin
:iamback: iamback iamback
:la: la la
:goodnight: goodnight goodnight
:bangdesk: bangdesk bangdesk
:youarehot: you are hot you are hot
:wahoo: wahoo wahoo
:bananachaplin: bananachaplin bananachaplin
:walkmydog: walk my dog walk my dog
:dancing2: dancing2 dancing2
:noyes: noandyes noandyes
:kissing2: kissing2 kissing2
:yougogirl: yougogirl yougogirl
:weocom: weocom weocom
:callme: callme callme
:cheers: cheers cheers
:itsnotfair: itsnotfair itsnotfair
:gian2: gian2 gian2
:dancing5: dancing5 dancing5
:kickazz: kickazz kickazz
:dzui1: dzui dzui

Múi giờ GMT. Hiện tại là 06:03 PM.

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