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Old 05-10-2012, 05:16 AM
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AiTinh AiTinh is offline
@->Trùm Yêu...*muahzz*<-@
Tham gia ngày: Aug 2008
Nơi Cư Ngụ: In your heart :)
Bài gởi: 2,741

Tuần vừa qua hông biết nhầm.....những ngày gì mà toàn là...bị chọc không hà !!! Nhiều chuyện mắc cười cũng có mà bực mình cũng có...!!

Hôm qua mới email cái recipe cho người bạn... hẹn mà từ năm ngoái tới năm nay...không có nhớ...., lúc talk thì talk thôi, ai nhớ, him hổng nhắc mình cũng quên luôn....., he reminded me....couple days a go..., hahaha... úi...... nhưng quên gởi hình mấy cây hoa anh đào....cho him...., thế nào cũng bị him nói... là bà già...nên mau quên huh???


Con bé...làm mình nhức đầu....hết than phiền việc học rồi đến việc nhà..., tuy không phải là nhận her làm con nuôi... nhưng she gọi mommy riết rồi...có chuyện gì... she cũng kiếm mình...!!! But this time thì khác...

mommy I wanna die...

what? stop thinking about that, what's happening?

Huhuhu... my mom don't love me..., my mom hate me...she wanna kick me...out...I wanna die, I wanna die.. mom....

Where are you now??

Then...rồi after chạy ra gặp her....order food...tell her to eat...starting to talk...and she cried and keep talking....!!! Trying to much her mom love her...but because her mom express in a wrong way....and control in a wrong that just make she feel like her mom wanna kick her out of the house............,

She told everything..... her mistakes before........., what happened in her life... I DO understand........for her.... but with her mom, she never had a chance to talk her secrets to..!!! Almost 3 hours talking to get her feel better...and stop thinking about more...!!! Eating, talking, and ending with laughing...., sigh....sigh.... sigh....!


Hi Robin..., how are you doing? Long time don't see....!

Hey are you?? Why dónt you call me??? (she give numbers... but I never call her...)

She come to our búsiness with her boyfriend...before she left...just asking me again... hahaha...!!! You have a BF yet???.......No... not yet...!! Hey...and turn around to another friend of mine...she said...: we have to find her a man..., but I forgot what the standard she required...! OMG....sao tự nhiên mấy người này lại cứ chọc mình hoài....bó tay

She laughed and talked like a drunker... but she is not ... then she said she don't know anybody that... non smoker..., non drinker, no alcoholic..., and...ect...

Úi... mình đâu có nói là không uống.... phải biết uống... but socialy thôi..., and then she nói.........she know a friend... he is Korean.......hihihi..., I just wink at her and ask: Is he single now?? She said...I think so....

Beffore walk out...she hugged me... and said: you need to have a man, a good man......I joked...I don't need one...She laugh so hard and.....said vẻry loud...: you are too good to have a man....! I ask... what do you mean by that?? Do I really need a man that much? to make me feel...uh oh...

She uh oh... I are too good... we neeed to find you a man....!! Á trời... té xỉu.....(how much do you know me?), every time she comes.... she always ask about that.........

One of our regular cusstomers...who came every week....., he just came yessterday.... Hi...dear... , I said hi back... but... I am so bad... forgot his name...... Nên đành say hi sir...mà thôi !!! I never remember his name..., I dónt know why???

I was so busy... could not come to talk to him..., time to leave..., he stop at my counter and said: you totally not even come to say hi or talk to me today...! Have you forgotten me already???

sorry am not done with my words... he said: so you wanna give me a hug or something before I go...!! Hahaha... chòy..... so I have to give him a hug..., and he hugged so tight..........

About half year a go...he asked me: do you want to work for me??? I laugh so hard... Are you kidding me??? No... I am serious...!!! Úi....I ask.. what kind of job can I do at your company??? I know he owns a contrucstion company...but I never ask much ! He did not answer but keep asking...: so you wanna to work for me and wink at me!

Oh... So you see I dónt know how to do ur job sir..., if I work for you I can only be your secretary...., or I can handle documents for you only... I don't...ect..., but ur company in Kasas or here...?..........and I stop there... cause I dónt want everybody hear !!!

But I am not crazy for him...., one of my co-worker told me..., sister...I think he is rich.., he is a handsome guy...., and...I think he likes you... ...... ah'...

If you like rich man... go for it...! Richness is not in my standard should know it long time a go... girl...., please leave me alone...., give me a break.... hehehehe


Sao có sự trùng hợp vậy ta?? Không thể nào...!!! Thôi không nghĩ nữa cho mệt óc....! Tuần này busy túi bụi.......thôi ta tự...trấn an mình bằng ly trà chanh mật ong vậy......, so every time look at this cup... thinking of you..., I still keep it ......, small gift but means a lot me...


Thương yêu trải hoa từ bi nở rộ
Khắp gian trần mừng rỡ giữa hoan ca
Yêu thật nhiều yêu say đắm thiết tha
Yêu nhân loại thiện lành ...tâm bác ái !

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